97 quotations from 'Hamlet'

Quotations are the core of an answer on Hamlet. If you are preparing to answer on the play in an exam, it’s essential you can refer in detail to the text.

Think of what should replace 'blank' in each case, then click to see the answer. Now write down (or, better still, discuss with a friend): how could this quotation be used? how is it helpful/interesting? how does it connect with others? Use this exercise not just to retrieve, but to think.

The Quizlet below presents 97 flashcards of quotations from the five Acts of the play. If you want to test yourself Act by Act, click here for a study-set.

Technical instructions: at the top right of the Quizlet, click the icon for Options, and make sure you choose Answer with Definition. Click Flashcard from Choose a Study Mode at the bottom right, and if necessary the arrows-icon just above it to start on the question side of the card.